
Dataset brief description. Where is the data coming from, who owns the data, and how it gets processed and verified. Further specifications can be done on a graph by graph basis to clarify concrete aspects of individual pieces of data. This description remains a higher level introduction.

A global study of threats or deliberate use of force against students, teachers, academics, education trade union members and government officials, aid workers and other education staff, and against schools, universities and other education institutions, carried out for political, military, ideological, sectarian, ethnic or religious reasons in 2022 and 2023.
Various Contributers  |  2024

A global study of threats or deliberate use of force against students, teachers, academics, education trade union members and government officials, aid workers and other education staff, and against schools, universities and other education institutions, carried out for political, military, ideological, sectarian, ethnic or religious reasons in 2019-2021.
Various Contributors  |  2022

A global study of threats or deliberate use of force against students, teachers, academics, education trade union members and government officials, aid workers and other education staff, and against schools, universities and other education institutions, carried out for political, military, ideological, sectarian, ethnic or religious reasons in 2017-2019.
Various Contributors  |  2020

This report summarizes discussions at a workshop entitled “The role of humanitarian actors in safeguarding access to education”, that aimed to improve humanitarian support for the continuity of education in areas affected by armed conflict and violence, in line with the principles of neutrality, impartiality and independence, and in both the short and long term.
Education Above All, International Committee of the Red Cross

The reports present the key findings of the multi-country study on the impact of attacks on education on women and girls, while focusing on the types and causes of abuse most typically committed against female students in the context of attacks on education, and the long-term consequences that female students may face as a result of such attacks.
Cartner, Holly  |  2019

A global study of threats or deliberate use of force against students, teachers, academics, education trade union members and government officials, aid workers and other education staff, and against schools, universities and other education institutions, carried out for political, military, ideological, sectarian, ethnic or religious reasons in 2013-2017.
Various Contributors  |  2018

The Journal on Education in Emergencies aims to publish groundbreaking and outstanding scholarly and practitioner work on education in emergencies (EiE).
Burde, Dana (Ed.)  |  2018
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies

The Journal on Education in Emergencies aims to publish groundbreaking and outstanding scholarly and practitioner work on education in emergencies (EiE).
Burde, Dana (Ed.)  |  2017
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies

This report highlights important findings discussed in a working meeting by representatives of armed non-State actors (ANSAs) and specialized agencies on how children and education could be better protected from the effects of armed conflict.
Geneva Call  |  2016
Education Above All, Geneva Call

This report covers Columbia University's in-depth study in Mogadishu, Somalia aiming to to assess the current roles and capacities of the various education and protection actors for monitoring and reporting attacks on education in the capital.
Bennouna, Cyril; Boothby, Neil; Richard, Kinyera; Roberts, Leslie  |  2015
Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Education Above All

The Safe Schools Declaration is an inter-governmental political instrument that outlines a set of commitments to strengthen the protection of education from attack and restrict use of schools and universities for military purposes.

This background paper was commissioned to inform the Workshop on Education and Armed Non-State Actors (Geneva, 23-25 June 2015) organized by PEIC and Geneva Call by laying out a clear frame of reference for better understanding the role of ANSAs in the provision of education.
Somer, Jonathan  |  2015
Education Above All

This study will review the development and evolution of the education and fragility agenda and examine how education in fragile contexts and as an intervention to interrupt those fragility dynamics presents a complex problem situated within a complex system for which our traditional approaches are not adequate.
Tebbe, Kirsten  |  2015
Education Above All

A report summarizing presentations and discussions during the PEIC International Seminar ‘Attacks on Education: Addressing the Data Challenge’ (June 2015), that aimed to advance understanding and share knowledge about the challenges facing data collection and analysis related to attacks on education and how these challenges might be addressed
Kalista, Jane  |  2015
Education Above All

This report sheds further light on Columbia University's in-depth studies of attacks on education in South Kivu province, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Mogadishu, Somalia in an attempt to fill information gaps and contribute to the development of improved methodologies for monitoring and responding to such attacks.
Bennouna, Cyril; Boothby, Neil; Richard, Kinyera; Roberts, Leslie  |  2015
Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Education Above All

A global study of threats or deliberate use of force against students, teachers, academics, education trade union members and government officials, aid workers and other education staff, and against schools, universities and other education institutions, carried out for political, military, ideological, sectarian, ethnic or religious reasons in 2009-2013.
Various Contributors  |  2014

This report covers Columbia University's in-depth study in South Kivu province, DRC aiming to to assess the current roles and capacities of the various education and protection actors for monitoring and reporting attacks on education.
Bennouna, Cyril; Boothby, Neil; Nshombo, Marius; Richard, Kinyera; Roberts, Leslie  |  2014
Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Education Above All

A series of reports sets out to quantify the impact of armed conflict on education and seeks to arrive at estimates of the order of magnitude of the costs of conflict to education: both in terms of the human cost, represented by the number of Out of School Children, and the financial cost in terms of physical damage done to education structures and through loss of human capital.
Jones, Amir; Naylor, Ruth  |  2014
CfBT Education Trust, Education Above All

The Guidelines urge parties to armed conflict (both state armed forces and non-state armed groups) not to use schools and universities for any purpose in support of the military effort, with an aim to protect against the risk of armed forces and groups converting schools and universities into military objectives by way of military use and exposing them to the potentially devastating consequences of attack.

A part of a series of reports sets out to quantify the impact of armed conflict on education and seeks to arrive at estimates of the order of magnitude of the costs of conflict to education: both in terms of the human cost, represented by the number of Out of School Children, and the financial cost in terms of physical damage done to education structures and through loss of human capital. (DRC)
Jones, Amir; Naylor, Ruth  |  2014
CfBT Education Trust, Education Above All

A part of a series of reports sets out to quantify the impact of armed conflict on education and seeks to arrive at estimates of the order of magnitude of the costs of conflict to education: both in terms of the human cost, represented by the number of Out of School Children, and the financial cost in terms of physical damage done to education structures and through loss of human capital. (Nigeria)
Jones, Amir; Naylor, Ruth  |  2014
CfBT Education Trust, Education Above All

The study seeks to address the lack of attention paid to reparations for violations of international law during times of insecurity and armed conflict that affect education.
Capone, Francesca; Fairgrieve, Duncan; Hausler, Kristin; McCarthy, Conor  |  2013
Education Above All

The paper offers technical planning advice for high-level policy makers in ministries of education and donors in situations of conflict, recovering from conflict, or at risk of it, to share how education policies may contribute to continuing tensions and conflict, or help reduce these tensions.
Sigsgaard, Morten  |  2012
Education Above All

The book examines the contribution that education for local, national and global citizenship and associated themes can make, even in countries where teacher training and classroom resources are limited.
Various Authors  |  2012
Education Above All

The paper provides an overview of the damage to childhood development and learning capacity caused by traumatic stress in former child soldiers, and highlights evidence on specific learning difficulties faced by children and adolescents in insecure and violent environments-with a focus on cognitive and other competencies needed for classroom settings.
Boothby, Neil; Nichol, Brownwyn  |  2010
Education Above All

This guide looks at how to make education in emergencies more accessible for everyone, particularly those often excluded from education.
Pinnock, Helen  |  2009

A composition of international datasets on violence in education.
Humanitarian Data Center  |  2022
Education Above All, OCHA

The GCPEA 2020-24 Strategy Summary outlines the GCPEA's over-arching goal of universal endorsement and implementation of the Safe Schools Declaration, as well as their strategic goals to protect education from attack moving forward.

This document summarises the findings of the report Protecting Children in Armed Conflict, led by Shaheed Fatima QC (published in 2018 by Hart/ Bloomsbury), and produced for the Inquiry on Protecting Children in Conflict, chaired by Gordon Brown.
Fatima, Shaheed  |  2020

This Guide aims to be a resource for civil society organizations (CSO) who are interested in finding out more about the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) and the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (the Committee).
Sheahan, Frances  |  2019
Plan International, Save The Children

This issue examines the deadly impact of protracted armed conflict on vulnerable children and young people in Afghanistan and addresses the enormous obstacles to providing them with the support and services they urgently need.

This report details the impact that the armed conflict in Yemen has had on its education system and includes recommendations to ensure that students, education personnel, schools and universities in Yemen remain safe and secure.
